
Col. Thomas Brandon was from the Union District of South Carolina.

Last name first name Colonel Captain evidence
Bailey Daniel Brandon r369
Barnett Jacob Brandon capt k R11508
Bird John Brandon capt s39196
Brandon William Brandon w71
Clowney Samuel Brandon Farr w9391
Deshasure Henry Brandon Hughes S16362
Gilkey Samuel Brandon capt R4019
Hammond Martin Brandon major w Moss
Hand Samuel Brandon Jolly W10
Henson Robert Brandon Slaughter w R4902
Ingram john Brandon Putnam, John R5483
Jolly Benjamin Brandon Duff ? s31764
Kelso Samuel Brandon Means, Hugh w9493
Kenedy William Brandon Hughes S2695,
Martindale James Brandon Young R6979
McBee Silas Brandon Whiteside S7202,
McCool John Brandon capt 20 men
McJunkin Daniel Brandon McCool? W9190
Moore Charles Brandon surgeon W24005
Palmer Thomas Brandon Jolly Moss
Parker Elisha Brandon S11354
Prewett William Brandon Faris R8460
Putnam John Brandon Capt r5483
Sartor William Brandon Hughes W8700
Shaw William Brandon Roebuck R9446
Skain Adam Brandon Trammel ?? S11404
Story Henry Brandon Young S32537
Thompson John Brandon Capt s7202
Toney Abraham Brandon Slaughter R10642
Trammel William Brandon Duff . James w6312
Warford Benjamin Brandon Hughes W8977
Watkins George Brandon Draper
Whelchel Francis, Jr Brandon
Whelchel Francis, Sr Brandon Thompson
Whelchel William Brandon w6498
Wilbanks Gillam Brandon Young R11508
Wilbanks William Brandon Young R11508
Young Thomas Brandon McJunkin S10309
Young William Brandon capt W11508
Kings Mountain 07Oct1780 Overmountain Victory trail National Park History Battle Casualties Patriots