BKM internet

Revolution, the Southern Front Thank you, Will Graves and Leon Harris.

Patriot Samuel Newell

All the King’s Horses
Updates for your interactive book

History of Kings Mountain National Military Park
Historical Handbook Number Twenty-Two 1955     Somebody took this publication off-line at NPS.

This publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government Printing Office and may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D.C. Price 55 cents NPS seal The National Park System, of which Kings Mountain National Military Park is a unit, is dedicated to conserving the scenic, scientific, and historic heritage of the United States for the benefit and enjoyment of its people.

NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Conrad L. Wirth, Director
DOI seal

Overmountain Victory Trail Association

The Provincial Soldiers’ View

Randell Jones, author’ View

Park service map

Tar Heel display of 1909 monument

Tennessee Gen Web accounts

North Carolina Patriots in their own words Tends to brag and include any rumor to bolster the NC story, supplementing “their own words” with other opinions. [email protected] of Little River SC

Lincoln County at BKM, 2009 Thank you WL Anderson

Army War College report Thanks to the taxpayers. But just like the closing of the national battlefield for the 07Oct2013 233rd anniversary, somebody spent money to take the Army report to congress off-line.

New River Notes post of US Army War College Report a display of romantic hardihood and bravery well worthy the careful study of American youth.

1950s National Park Service synopsis of BKM NPS has taken online books off-line.

Congressional journal, Senate Record December 1910. Repeats errors from Draper’s “Heroes of KM” and builds conclusions upon some mistakes.

Tar Heel notes re/1909 monument to BKM UNC Commemorative Landscaps

http://lib.jrshelby.com/mcallister-harris.pdf has Virginia people in the revolution.

a walk around the park a visitor’s impressions of the battlefield park.
video peek at history 40 minute program describes events around the battle.

http://www.carolana.com/SC/Revolution/revolution_battle_of_kings_mountain.html is not linked here. Historians Bobby Moss and Michael Scoggins question the accuracy of its militia lists although it presents the appearance of official records.

Kings Mountain 07Oct1780 Overmountain Victory trail National Park History Battle Casualties Patriots