
North Carolina – Surry County militia under Major Joseph Winston

joined Col Cleveland and proceeded to Quaker Meadows.

Angel Lawrence Winston Minor Smith s31519
Bailey William Winston Lewis, Richard r372
Binkley Adam Winston Smith S1890
Boyd John Winston Shepherd, James R1089
Charles Oliver Winston Smith S12895
Cleveland Robert Winston capt r8499
Conner William Winston Phillips s30955
Davenport William Winston r2678
Evans Phillip Winston Minor Smith w5272
Fair Barnabas Winston Minor Smith s12895
Franklin Jesse Winston capt R7057
Fulp Peter Winston Sheppard W5278
Hall John Winston Sheppard S2589
Hannah Andrew Winston Minor Smith W794
Hannah William Winston Minor Smith d S13795
Hooker William Winston Cloud W10119
Houston Samuel Winston Smith S12895
Hudson Hall Winston Cloud R5331
Jones Benjamin Winston Minor Smith S7076
Kerby Christopher Winston Sheppard S32356
Lawson Moses Winston Cloud W5019
Lenoir William Winston Capt w S7137
Lowe Willaim Winston Minor Smith S13795
Martin Dillon Winston Smith, Minor S31519
Merritt James Winston Minor Smith S21883
Pennel Reuben Winston Shepherd, James W5519
Smith Minor Winston Capt w S12895
Tilley John Winston Good W4832
Wilson John Winston Cloud ? W2391


Kings Mountain 07Oct1780 Overmountain Victory trail National Park History Battle Casualties Patriots